2025 Yearbooks for Sale/Senior Ads Yearbooks are now on sale! They may be purchased online at www.yearbookordercenter.com The school code is 7041 Cost: $45 plus proce...
If you are going to be a new student to Box Elder High School for the 24/25 school year click on the link below and start the process. This is for students who have never attended...
If you are interested in summer school please fill out this form. You will receive an email a few days after you fill it out with more information. Link to form: https://docs.goo...
Diplomas: Diplomas MUST be picked up in the main office beginning June 11, 2024, after all credits have been verified. Please remember you still must fulfill all graduation re...
All seniors who have completed all graduation requirements (see below), have no “U”s on their transcript, and passed the Civics Test can participate in the graduation...
Box Elder High School proudly presents The Buzz. Written by students, for students, about student events. The Buzz features student spotlights, highlights on clubs, upcomin...
Yearbooks may be purchased in the main office with Mrs. Mosser (financial secretary). Cost is $50. There is a limited amount of yearbooks still available for sale. If you have q...
Registration for the 2023-24 School Year and Important Information about Electronics and Technology:
Hello everyone! Registration for the 2023-24 school year opens, August 1,...
If you are a new student to Box Elder School District for the 2023-24 school year, please follow this link to submit the information we will need to request your records from you...
Here is the link to download graduation photos. Congratulations to our 2023 graduates. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1oQXeYB5eEbJXkR8Yo8PapisURDMbm_bM?usp=sharing